About Us
Who we are and what we do
We're a group of Sutton-based volunteers who want to encourage a culture of repair and reuse in our community.
At our events, which take place on the second Saturday of every month, our skilled volunteers can help you save money and reduce the amount of material being sent to landfill. By repairing instead of throwing away we are reducing CO2 emissions, saving resources and protecting the environment.
We currently repair most common household items, including electricals, clothing and textiles, and bicycles.
We don't charge for repairs (though any donations towards the running of our repair cafés are always gratefully received) but any new parts required for a repair do need to be paid for.
There's no need to book, simply turn up with your broken or faulty item and we'll try and fix it for you. (Or at the very least give you some advice on getting it repaired.)
Sutton Repair Café is affilaited with the Repair Cafe Foundation based in Holland.
We have also recently signed up to the UK Repair and Reuse Declararation calling for UK legislators and decision makers at all levels to promote policies that encourage repair and reuse.